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george w. bush

Geroge W. Bush:
What every decent, law abiding, hard working American parent teaches their children not to be.

Put yourself in the shoes of the parents of George W. Bush for a moment...

If your son or daughter turned out to lie and cheat compulsively, indulged in drugs and alcohol to the maximum, never did a days work, took every handout possible, ruined everything they ever touched, neglected every responsibility given to them...

...deserted from the military...

...took more vacation days then anyone before them in the job they had....

and above all else expressed themselves like an idgit with marbles in their mouth....

would you welcome that Father's Day/Mothers Day card that read..."Thank you for helping me become what I am today."???

heck, maybe in the family of George W Bush family, they are relieved...

by John J Stroebel September 15, 2006

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