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Acronym Noun (oh-zort): "Order of Zombie Outbreak Resistance Tacticians". A specific, largely internet based organization that discusses zombie survivalism.

After spending a few hours talking to OZORT on their web forum, Tom knew exactly what he would do if there was ever a zombie outbreak.

by John Jackson August 25, 2006

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zombie survivalist

Someone either working independantly or as part of an organization who plans and helps educate people on what to do in the event of a zombie outbreak. A number of organizations, such as ozort, make their strategies available to the public and have online forums and websites that allow people and discuss ideas.

The zombie outbreak was prevented thanks to the work of a zombie survivalist group in the area.

by John Jackson August 24, 2006

64👍 15👎

viral zombie

A viral zombie is a specific type of zombie (out of a number of different kinds of zombies), that is infected through a virus, and is capable of spreading the virus to others it comes in contact with. The viral zombie is the most common kind portrayed in movies and video games (such as Dawn of the Dead and Resident Evil). There's a number of types of zombie virus possibilities, ranging from Lyssavirus X to Filonecrosis, as well as a few fictional zombie viruses such as Solanum.

A viral zombie is a destructive force onto itself, where the host willingly spreads its infection to others.

by John Jackson August 25, 2006

31👍 15👎

viral zombie

A viral zombie is a zombie that came to exist through the spreading of a particular zombie virus. Zombie Infection is the only real dangerous type of zombie outbreak, due to the ability of the affliction to spread to others. This is the primary group that zombie survivalist movements, such as the web based organzation "ozort", focus on dealing with.

It's a common myth that a viral zombie can only be effectively stopped via severe head trauma.

by John Jackson August 25, 2006

19👍 12👎


A fictional zombie virus invented by satirial writer Max Brooks (son of Mel Brooks, who was the director of Space Balls). The virus "Solanum" attempts to justify the hack work of George Romano by describing an entirely impossible zombie virus. Accoring to Max Brooks, zombies are somehow reanimated by a virus that allows the body to function with no blood circulation, no oxygen, and no ATP (which is absolutely required for muscle movement). This is definately the most far fetched viral zombie that has been suggested, but it is often used as a benchmark by zombie survivalist groups, particularly OZORT, as a worst case scenario zombie virus.

If Solanum can reanimate long dead corpses and allow them to run around with coagulated blood and no glucose, why can't it also make them fly and instinctively know kung fu?

by John Jackson August 25, 2006

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