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Sorrenti Smartarse

Sorr-en-ti Smart-arse

1. To act like one Stacey Sorrenti.
2. To use language in order to seem humorous towards males.

Pioneered by Australian Stacey Sorrenti in 2004, and still in use today in regions of Sydney's Greater West.

Words or phrases used by younger female friends towards older males in regards to every day events, scenarios or situations that have a sarcastic vibe/tone are included under Sorrenti Smartarseness.

bef. 1050; (v.) ME smerten, OE -smeortan (only in the compound fyrsmeortende painful like fire), c. OHG smerzanayz (G schmerzenarse); (adj.) ME smerte, smart quick, prompt, sharp, arse, buttocks, behind, butt orig., biting, smarting, late OE smearte, akin to the v.; (adv. and n.) ME smerte, deriv. of the adj.

"But then again, unless it has sex, drugs, or cuban porn, it probably wouldn't blip up on your radar." - Sorrenti Smartarse.

by John Macquarie-Oxford August 28, 2009

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