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Fairfield County


Fairfield is full of parents that can't let go of their past and because of their affluence, decided to re-create it by recently switching back to two high schools. Unforutunately they didn't consider their children while making this decision and now the once wide varity of electives and extra ciricular activities have been cut in half. Their beach area is a great place to party and it's a great town to go to college in (Sacred Heart and Fairfield University). Again, Fairfield has forgot about their youth, their half ass excuse for a teen center and lack of anything to do for entertainment has lead to a widespread use of drugs. Oxy Cotin and cocaine are pretty popular.

Westport is a club for elitests that can't afford to live in Southport. Westport is just a place to spend money. If you drive through here on a week night after 10 o'clock in anything less than a BMW, you're almost guaranteed to get pulled over by at least two cops.

Ever since the deindustrialization of Bridgeport, the city has rendered itself a rather useless place (unless you're trying to pay cheap rent). Eventhough local government has attempted to clean up the city, Fairfield County considers Bridgeport dirty place we're crappy drugs and after hours liquor stores are found in abundance. Unfourtunately it's doomed to stay this way unless the residents starts to care about the place they live. Litter covers more area in this city than the actual population.

As bad as Bridgeport is, Norwalk takes the cake. The roads are just as bad as the people, cracked out and filthy. Litter however doesn't seem to be as big of a problem here but... the people themselves are trash. It's fair to assume most of the people in this city have lived under the powerlines for a number of years. Norwalk has some nicer areas where it starts to border Westport and this is the area most Norwalkers like to pride themselves on... but we all know Norwalk sucks, it's Stamford's ugly sister.

No one really cares much about the other towns but in case you're interested, here's a list.

New Canaan
New Milford
New Fairfield

Note: Racial profiling is common in all of Fairfield County.

Also Note: It's fair to assume that the youth population does at least 2 out of 4 listed below:

- Drinks and/or does drugs
- Listens to Dave Matthews
- Goes to private school
- Has mexicans do their landscaping

Lastely note: All laurelton girls are sluts

Guy: "Wow... you must be rich, you're from Fairfield County!"
His Friend: "Nah... I'm friend Bridgeport."
Guy: "Oh..."

by John Mayer August 3, 2005

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