A character played by Alex Borstein on the earlyer seasons of MadTV. Her full name is
Bunny Swan and is more commonly known as "Ms. Swan," Ms. Swan was born on November 25, 1966. She is 5' 2" and weighs 145 lbs. Ms. Swan works as a manicurist at the Gorgeous Pretty Beauty Nail Salon which she mispronounces as "Goji Pitty Booty Nay Salon". Ms. Swan is from somewhere in Asia. Frequently in the sketches, people usually ask her questions but she never gives a solid answer. She usually states, "Okay, I'll tell you everything" which she pronounces like "okay, i tell you evrytin" and "he look-a like-a man,". Ms. Swan also commonly purses her lips, saying "tanks to you,"
Person 1: What did the burgler look like.
Ms. Swan: Ok I tell you evrytin!
Person 1: Ok tell me then...
Ms. Swan: He look-a like-a man.
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