Source Code


Sarah is the world's okayest girl

She can be good sometimes, but not so good at others. For every happy moment there's a sad one, for every laugh there's a tear. Her personality is the same way, it has its ups and downs. Her pets aren't necessarily bad, but they are very boring. She is usually pretty mellow. Her face is very pretty but her clothing style sucks. Her voice is sometimes very monotone and lifeless, and sometimes has a large range full of emotion. Overall, Sarah is just the world's okayest girl.

by John W. Doe November 28, 2021


L azy




Lgbtq started out as people who had mental issue's who didn't recognize gender as important, now people are getting pressured into it so it's becoming normal. It wasn't necessarily very too terrible until people started forcing it upon others, that's when it became bad.

by John W. Doe December 26, 2022

12πŸ‘ 32πŸ‘Ž


Maddie is the world's okayest girl

She can be good sometimes, but not so good at others. For every happy moment there's a sad one, for every laugh there's a tear. Her personality is the same way, it has its ups and downs. Her pets aren't necessarily bad, but they are very boring. She is usually pretty mellow. Her face is very pretty but her clothing style sucks. Her voice is sometimes very monotone and lifeless, and sometimes has a large range full of emotion. Overall, Maddie is just the world's okayest girl.

by John W. Doe November 28, 2021

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


The world's okayest girl

She can be good sometimes, but not so good at others. For every happy moment there's a sad one, for every laugh there's a tear. Her personality is the same way, it has its ups and downs. Her pets aren't necessarily bad, but they are very boring. She is usually pretty mellow. Her face is very pretty but her clothing style sucks. Her voice is sometimes very monotone and lifeless, and sometimes has a large range full of emotion. Overall, Johanna is just the world's okayest girl.

by John W. Doe November 28, 2021

6πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Dodge Ram

And on the 8th day Gos said let there be division, and there was dodge.

Dodge Ram sucks.

by John W. Doe December 28, 2022

1πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Dodge Ram

And on the 8th day God said let there be division, and there was dodge.

Dodge Ram sucks

by John W. Doe January 15, 2022

1πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


B iggest
I diot
D emocrats
E ver
N oninated

Bill: did you see what Biden did yesterday?

Sam: yeah, he's a dousch!
Bill: agreed, what a libtard!

by John W. Doe November 27, 2021

48πŸ‘ 18πŸ‘Ž