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A person who has no heart, doesn't appreciate art from the renowned artist Leonardo Di Caprio.

The mental capacity of a fucking tea spoon.
The type of person to still have to use her hand it work out her Left and Rights

"oh my what a lovely sun set"
"Shut the fuck you blithering idiot, that is a fucking light bulb Samantha"

by John john-Smith Smith September 20, 2020

1๐Ÿ‘ 5๐Ÿ‘Ž


h0e is basically the same as hoe except it doesn't count as being a bad word bc theres no "o" theres just a "0"


by John john-Smith Smith September 1, 2020


The best word in the oxford dictionary.

It's a terms used to describe a fightt or scrabble.

*kids fighting*
"look at that woolloomooloo"

by John john-Smith Smith September 20, 2020


An extremely straight male who in low-key emo but Is heavily involved in Monday orgies with only males but says itรขย€ย™s just to get his head in the game for football.

Whoรขย€ย™s the coolest cat?

by John john-Smith Smith August 2, 2022


The kind of person to murder you whole family and then for your birthday give you all there fingers and think its totally normal.

chelsea did the chelsea thing....
"oh my lord thats alot of fingers"

by John john-Smith Smith August 31, 2020

5๐Ÿ‘ 8๐Ÿ‘Ž


idk probably going to end up with a hot tradie and then end up getting pregnant at 17

i wanna be jessie

by John john-Smith Smith August 31, 2020

The fuck

a great expression to describe a situation or action that has left you completely baffled

*Eagle snatches child*
-an appropriate first response- "the fuck"

by John john-Smith Smith September 1, 2020

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