Young Blood Gang Is a gang That Has spreaded all across the United States, The YBG owned neighborhoods all across Lynn, Ma
in 2011 until the lcg a.k.a Lil Crip Gang took over all of lynn. The Lcg Took over the Ybg and Scared them away and made them go into hiding. The Ybg Had control over lynn for only 4 years. The Ybg still own firearms and illegal weapons at the time. The Ybg great themselves as d.o.g.s and they call to eachother by saying blaat sound and have a bright red bandana on them but not ever hangin out
YBG Young Blood Gang
Color Bright Paisley Red
Greeting Blaaat
Active 2011
Location Lynn ma, Saugus, Ma
Revere, Ma
Rivals LCG, Latin Kings
Alies ??
13👍 14👎
so, my boss said to me that the chance for a raise was NFL.
and i asked him, point blank "what".
-he reiterated, in plainer english, no fucking luck"
- and then i said to him, " i liked the first response better".
13👍 19👎