Helen Clark, Prime Minister of New Zealand's gynocracy. Easily identifiable by her bad teeth, terrible haircut and most noticeably her incredibly low voice which makes her sound like a man. Can usually be seen around central Helengrad (Wellington, NZ) wearing a lime green or dark brown trouser suit and exercising control over her kingdom.
"My name's Helen and I used to be a man"
9👍 6👎
Current system of government in New Zealand
Bow down before Queen Helen and her band of Teflon Tarts
84👍 34👎
Undeniably THE worst public transport system in the world, and an absolute embarrassment to Australia. The metropolitan train network in Sydney - which might get you where you're going... eventually; but you'd be quicker and safer walking. A third-world country in the middle of a civil war could still manage to run a better rail service than ShityRail.
"The 8:00am service to ...CENTRAL... is running approximately ...TWENTY-FIVE... minutes late"
"The 8:00am service to ...CENTRAL... has been CANCELLED - Please catch the 8:30am service"
"The 8:30am service to ...CENTRAL... has been CANCELLED. Thank you for using ShityRail"
31👍 4👎