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Not the town in Denmark. No, I'm talking about the one and only Copenhagen dipping tobacco. Satisfaction since 1822 bitch. The juicy and mosit tobacco is like no other, and second to none. Wintergreen and Mint are the best flavors.

I put in a pinch of Copenhagen Straight and I felt so much better.

by Johnny America December 11, 2018

10👍 4👎


A sketchy blue collar town in the heart of western New York. The place smells like piss but has some great restaurants.

Jake never returned to Buffalo after he was robbed there.

by Johnny America December 11, 2018

7👍 5👎

Gun control

A front to disarm Americans to "prevent gun violence and mass shootings". These people think assualt rifles are always used for mass shootings, but mass shooters have used and assortment of firearms, such as handguns and shotguns. These people don't want civilians to have guns, even though it's guaranteed in the Constitution.

Gun control is a measure to disarm the people.

by Johnny America December 11, 2018

27516👍 851👎

Cathedral Prep

An all boys Catholic high school in Erie, PA. Its full of atheltic fuckbags who all look like gay vampires. If they didn't recruit people for sports, no one would go there. Seriously, an all boys Catholic school. I wonder what goes on there .

Cathedral Prep is full of privileged jocks.

by Johnny America December 11, 2018

9👍 5👎