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Purdue Calumet

Established as a "satellite campus" of the main campus in West Lafayette, Indiana, Purdue University Calumet was founded as full time university in the northwestern corner of Indiana. Purdue Calumet prides itself on maintaining good standards while at the same preparing its students for the economy and world beyond the borders of Democratic dominated Lake County. Having accomplished a great victory in borrowing the Purdue name, Purdue Calumet then decided to implement a typical Lake County tradition: Overcharge the students, and make introductory course work seemingly impossible in the non-liberal arts departments so as to continue the gouging. Purdue Calumet prefers to charge its students insane tuition and other "non-deferential" charges so as to turn over large profits yearly. Of course with all the Democratic "Chicago Machine" government and infleunce in the way, it's telltale that the IRS would never really come after Purdue Calumet, after all, as long as prominent local goverment leaders are driving to work in a brand new Mercedes Benz, the IRS and the rest of the outside world won't know any better. Although Purdue Calumet is a state funded school, and by law NOT supposed to adapt to any particular poltical stance or party, Purdue Calumet just loves to make shoe polish out of shit. Instead of looking at an issue in a different light, Purdue Calumet's teachers and many students are quick to hop on the "anti-everything" bandwagon, even though at time, facts may not be clear and concise. This school makes it a seemingly serious offense to be conservative and actually believe in something if it's not on Ted Kennedy's or Jesse Jackson's camera chasing agenda. Take the War in Iraq as example. Rather than tell unwashed, uninformed, and clearly biased protestors to just stay at home or take their protesting elsewhere, the school invites them in and gives them podium time allowing them to piss and moan about how evil the US government is. Purdue Calumet is known for their gift at alienating certain groups of people. The school is quick to give concessions based on race to blacks, but not the same treatment to white or hispanic students, and the school harbors deep resentment towards ex-military and War Veterans in general, often times treating them with a paternalistic, second hand attitude.

Purdue Calumet: Enroll today to get ripped off.

Yeah, they make the basic science and math courses harder than need be, so Liberal Arts majors will fail and have to pay more money. It's a typical Lake County scam.

by Johnny Hates Nova May 9, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž


Throughout history, the "Indominable Spirit of Man" has harnessed many epic, great things. Electricity, the Wheel, firearms, and numerous others too easily mentionable. One thing that man has harnessed that negates itself and diminishes the creativity and genius of man is Marijuana. More specifically, one who feels the need to escape from their everyday life or society at large is commonly referred to as a "pothead" or "weedhead". Pathetic in nature, having a lack of real social skills, and influence are common reasons why people feel they need to smoke dope, or weed. A "doper" is a person in society that cannot function on their own, and needs a crutch to escape their anxiety or pressure with something. Many times relying on the good nature of an increasingly tolerant society, dopers escape their pathetic lives for a few hours of being hungry, lazy and non-motivated because in truth they are too afraid to confront their problem head on and solve whatever it may be, or they are simply too weak to actually do anything helpful about their "problem" that they may have to escape from. Dopers are usually found on street corners, trying to sell or pander to other easily influenced dopers or problem cases to gain profit for their next "fix". A day is not a day unless a doper ravages their senses with the pungent stink of marijuana, and often times beyond the slums and ghettoes of America, dopers can be found in redneck bars, rap concerts, welfare lines, low income housing, and Sublime cover band concerts in local dive bars. Because more and more prisons are full, more dopers are allowed out on the streets so that they may take advantage of the generosity of others and infest high schools with their lazy attitudes and non-existent work ethics. Dopers are an unnecessary part of society that prides itself on conversing slowly, sitting still on couches, and in general, not really bothering to do anything besides strum guitars and surf.

Dopers are an unnecessary part of society.

Dopers should be thrown in jail.

by Johnny Hates Nova March 30, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 149๐Ÿ‘Ž