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1: A groupie of the two main political dinosaurs of the United States.

2: An air-headed baby-boomer, probably fried from a few too many joints and stamps back in the sixties. Not sure what they believe in, just as long as it involves raising taxes on "The Man," and pumping up their own social security package.

3: An opinionated, intelligent academic who is so intelligent, benevolent, and sheltered that they can't conceive of the existence of people who are not intelligent and benevolent, and thus espouses all sorts of wonderful ideas that are totally contingent upon everyone telling the truth and not being greedy bastards.

4: An ignorant kid (age 16-30), if college age, probably a political science or social studies major, who hasn't the slightest idea how stuff actually works, and thinks that wishing real hard is a viable way of getting things done.

5: Anyone who thinks that a government is a benevolent entity that will ensure you get what you need, often under the misguided impression that the same people who run the organizational abortions often referred to as the DMV, FEMA, and the IRS can somehow put together an efficient, low-cost, effective healthcare system. Thinks that taking 50 cents of every already weak dollar you earn is the best way to do this.

6: Anyone who believes that CEOs, COOs, and CFOs are kind-hearted patricians who, upon noting a tax increase on their corporation, will dutifully reduce their own salaries and bonus packages so as to prevent their workers, or god forbid, the consumers from paying those corporate taxes by proxy.

7: People who hate the Republican party for all the wrong reasons. Don't even get me started on the freaking Republicans.

Barack Obama is the 2008 Democrat candidate for the Presidency of the United States.

by Johnny L. Evil October 14, 2008

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