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This word derived from SCUSE MEH. The reason that it became simply known as scuse is because angelo got to it and of course angeloed it. He angeloed it so hard as Scuse thinking it was funnier his way.

It is commonly used as an obnoxious, loud interjection compared to the proper more low key "excuse me"

1.(you are part of a courthouse audience and they are just abt to read a landmark jury verdict, you come back from the bathroomand pronounce loudly and firmly:) SCUSE.

2. You walk into a room where two ppl were just abt to make out: SCUSE

3.Walking out a crowded elevator: SCUSE

4. Barging through people in Times Square during New Years EVE: SCUSE

by Johnny Vague February 17, 2005

34👍 14👎


2. A word that can be applied ot almost any term to express force. A fun and expressive word.

I wanna wail her face. (passionate kissing)

I wailed him in the jaw. (punched)

I would wail her so hard. (I would sleep with her)

I really wailed that party. (made a big scene at that party)

I got wailed. (embarassed, ridiculed)

by Johnny Vague February 20, 2005

12👍 14👎