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A gift. Men are in a world where they are bombarded with media, largely pornography, that tells them that women are for one purpose: to look at and have sex with. Pornography is full of misogyny. Feminists want to make men human again; they want them to act like real human beings who think of women as real human beings too and not just as a package that is invisible without breast implants, a small waist, high heels...ect... Feminists see that men are raping women because pornography makes it seem like this is okay. Feminists see that pornography has integrated itself into our culture and American society so much that exercise classes consist of strip tease and 4 year olds are wearing mini-skirts. To clarify, this is one breed of feminism. Other feminists find pornography, an industry that puts women through miserable treatment and diseases, liberating. These other feminists find it liberating for women to fake orgasms and consistantly fulfill the desires of men.

Radical Feminism wants women to possess "power" consistantly through avenues other than sexuality. Radical Feminism wants to never have a woman's face covered in cum ever again.

by Jolie Johnson-Jacks March 30, 2008

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