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A smarge is an alcoholic beverage consisting of various ratios of Smirnoff vodka and ABC Cream Soda. A "smarge straight up" is the classic 1:1 mixture.

Yo man wanna come over tonight and throw back some smarges?

by Jomamma Gator April 21, 2008

10👍 64👎

sloppy smarge

A sloppy smarge is an alcoholic beverage consisting of a large ratio of Smirnoff vodka to ABC Cream Soda. A sloppy smarge contains greater than 30% alcohol by volume (at least 4:1 ratio vodka:cream soda).

Dude those sloppy smarges messed me up bad!

by Jomamma Gator April 21, 2008

1👍 3👎