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A site with children who want to be like bush, or tony blair, and have an argument about who typed what correctly or argue about who owned who.. and who was owning the owner
Also this site especially in the medal of honor forum has a strange system of popularity..

The more you can take the piss out of someone, the more popular you are (apparently) several prominent figures have appeared, but each being children in their own right..
They can achive these insults because in reality if they did this method of behaviour, someone would litterally beat the shit out of them, and make them bleed, (that someone could be their parents, which is usually the case as these kids show a really high level of maturity NOT )

Hey, you never put a fullstop after your sentence, therefore i am 15 years old and I claim my superior power over you noob

by Jon Briscoe December 16, 2004

32👍 16👎



An english slang word used for naming Chewing gum, mint chewing gum and all the possible types of chewing gum

got any chongies mate.?

here.. have a chongy, you got minging breath son

by Jon Briscoe December 15, 2004

35👍 17👎


The plural word for chongy

pass them chongies overe here! bitch

by Jon Briscoe December 15, 2004

16👍 8👎