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toe crackers

the nasty ass residue that is found inside your socks after many-many days without bathing, or changing your socks

Dude, I'm rolling a joint here, watch the toe crackers!!!

by Jon Himself March 26, 2003

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


the act of copulating with a male, getting the business, taking the high hard one, fornicating

dude, tash is getting dickled by every guy in the 815 area code, how ghey

by Jon Himself September 12, 2003

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An act that is overflowing with homosexual and or retarded overtones

Dude, he's listening to Def Lepard, how homoriffic is that?

by Jon Himself August 1, 2003

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When a Male Mammal Proceeds to relieve his penis in terms of masturbation

brb dude, I gotta wacketh it

by Jon Himself March 13, 2003

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

flexall cock

After applying a muscle reliever such as Flexall 454 or Ben gay, and then forgetting to wash your hands, and then taking a piss.

the victim is left with icy hot sensations on his wangal area.

I put some flexall on my shoulder, and then went to beat off, my cock felt like I just salsa fucked salma hayek

by Jon Himself March 26, 2003

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Something Worthy of praise

Where'd you get them new birkenstocks? they're pretty losh

by Jon Himself March 13, 2003

43πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž

legal tender

The definition of when a Broad is of "legal age of consent" this does vary from state to state

Hey Longbaugh, are these chicks Legal Tender? If not, we'll have to drive em to Indiana, hoooo!

by Jon Himself March 26, 2003

22πŸ‘ 20πŸ‘Ž