Of or pertaining to a person who sticks out as a character; someone who is very much on their own trip. Could be a negative or positive description. People and actions that are outlandish or stunningly characteristic can be described as piecechows. People that are brash, animated, and very confident of their own capabilities - no matter how deranged and irrelevent they may be.
David Hasselhoff, Richard Simmons, Kenny Rogers, Nick Nolte, Robin Williams, Prince, William Shatner, Rick James, Mel Gibson, Schplunka, Chris Isaak, George W. Bush, Willie Nelson, Yanni, and Kenny G are all official piecechows.
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Of or pertaining to a person who sticks out as a character; someone who is very much on their own trip. Could be a negative or positive description. People and actions that are outlandish or stunningly characteristic can be described as piecechows. People that are brash, animated, and very confident of their own capabilities - no matter how deranged and irrelevent they may be.
David Hasselhoff, Richard Simmons, Kenny Rogers, Nick Nolte, Robin Williams, Prince, William Shatner, Rick James, Mel Gibson, Schplunk, Chris Isaak, George W. Bush, Willie Nelson, Yanni, and Kenny G are all officially epic piecechows.
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A hit taken from a water pipe (bong) that is roughly half tobacco and half marijuana bud. Also known as Spliff Rips, Mullies, Mixers, and Zorb.
"I just took the largest mulch rip, feel totally zorbed out"
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