Source Code

sorta kinda

"kinda sorta" backwards. It has the same meaning, but sounds worse.

-Having a Good Day?

-Meh... (kinda sorta/sorta kinda)

by Jonathan December 2, 2004

13πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


See: Hitch Hiker's Guide to the Galaxy Part 3 (Life, The Universe, and Everything)

Bistromathics is an extremely powerful addendum to improbability science used to power the ship Bistromath, owned by Fjord modelor Slartibartfast. It operates on a few major factors of suspected values versus actual values of Italian dining. 2 of such values are:

1. The amount of reservations made to an Italian restaurant versus the amount of people that actually show up. Both are entirely arbitrary values completely unrelated to one another.

2. The prices of the food in the menu versus the actual amount paid. The values are also completely arbitray and unrelated with the exception of the fact that they are never the same.

Bistromathics have given rise to incredible new advancements in improbability propulsion.

by Jonathan December 1, 2004

15πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

Target Sweden

A computer game involving the attack on Sweden by the United Nations, which is played through 3 chapters:
1. Attack Launch
2. Invasion
3. Failed Evacuation
4. Complete Annihilation

Target Sweeden was the most fun I ever had in a computer game!

by Jonathan September 13, 2003

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Tan Tan

The nickname for MOUNT TAN, the smallest mountain in the world.

I almost stepped on Mt. Tan today when I was walking home from school.

by Jonathan August 19, 2003

7πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

lo budg

Refers to someone that is either full of themself, dumb, or immature. It can also be used to describe a situation where someone has treated someone else poorly.

"Man, those chicks are so lo budg!"

"Dude, theres no reason for that. That's just lo budg"

by Jonathan February 21, 2005

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


A silverhootowl is a game old bird, mostly found in the backwoods of Missouri. They are known for their distinctive call. The only way to catch them is to clamp down on their muffler, which stops them dragging on the road. They have been seen as far afield as California and they fly to Hot Springs once a year for hibernation purposes.

Wow! Was that a silverhootowl that he saw? Yes it was, the distinctive muffler could be seen.

by Jonathan June 23, 2004

5πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

air force ones

shoes worn by us because ya'll can't rock them right

Only crunk niggas wear them

by Jonathan April 28, 2004

152πŸ‘ 166πŸ‘Ž