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fairy dust

a random powdered drug that is really good but you have no idea what it is

Damn that fairy dust knocked me out last night.

by Jonathan Erwin March 23, 2005

196👍 79👎


a better way to say cool; tight; raw

Those Air Force 2s are clutch.

by Jonathan Erwin March 23, 2005

44👍 45👎


area code for NAPTOWN!! (indianapolis); used as id for home city

I roll from the 317.

by Jonathan Erwin March 23, 2005

266👍 95👎


a better word for really cool;

That MJ jersey is raw.

by Jonathan Erwin March 23, 2005

1499👍 601👎

dirty dirty

can be used as region of southern U.S. (Bama, Miss, GA, LA, etc.)

also can mean the wettest city in the South: Atlanta

Mike Vike tore it up in the dirty dirty.

by Jonathan Erwin March 23, 2005

175👍 72👎


the feeling you get when you are so high you barely know you are still alive

What happened last night i was in such a haze.

by Jonathan Erwin March 23, 2005

26👍 113👎


nosey person, gossiper

He would be cool if he wasn't such a prod.

by Jonathan Erwin March 23, 2005

14👍 22👎