EX-JUNC-TIVE. Pronunciation (Ehks-JUNK-tiv)
Of, or relating to, the accidental or purposeful, but complete subversion of any semiotic context or system i.e. images, texts, languages, idioms
ex-1 â
a prefix meaning âout of,â âfrom,â
junct ( us ), past participle of jungere to join ( jung- join + -tus past participle suffix)
-ive 3
a suffix of adjectives (and nouns of adjectival origin) expressing tendency, disposition, function, connection
Related forms:
Exjunctivise(d) -
Adjective: to subvert something to an exjunctive result
Exjunctively -
Adverb: tending to subvert, as of by accident or by purpose
In a sentence:
"Ross Noble's comedy act is very exjunctive/ He speaks in a very exjunctive manner."
"Kenneth Williams' innuendoes are always said so exjuntively"
In an example:
"Queer As Folk"
there's nowt so queer as folk
(simile, colloquial) Nothing is as strange, as odd as people can be.
Queer As Folk
Plays on the modern day English synonym of "queer", meaning homosexual. Used as a title for a television drama about contemporary gay community
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QUEER GEN-ER-IS. Pronunciation (KWEE-uh jen-au-REE)
literally meaning of or from a "queer kind"
queer 1
Slang: Disparaging and Offensive . a homosexual, especially a male homosexual. Term recently reclaimed by gay separatist/counter culture for positive use.
generis 2
to be produced, to be born
Related forms:
Sui Generis -
Adjective:Latin .
of his, her, its, or their own kind; unique.
"I think gay couples being able to have their own biological children to raise homo-normatively is very 'queer generis'
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