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Common Name

A person (often of Latino descent) who is frequently criticised for his/her long, black, typically emo hairstyle. This regularly reflects their emo-esque attitude and critical personality. They are usually seen discussing their zodiac heritage and fanatacism for wearing hats, while often declining any relation to American musician, Mr Worldwide, aka Pitbull.

Famous examples:

- Hayden Slick, former cone-ball player, who retired after constant disqualification and harassment by audiences and referees alike.
- Hayden Sand, former employee of Hell Orphan Transportation Incorporated™, fired after embezzlement scandals and insubordination.
- Hayden Snicker, self-proclaimed hype-beast, died in 2018 after an overdose on Curry (may his soul rest in peace).
- Hayden Snack, the once great actor whose life turned to crime after identifying publicly as a 'lesbian rhinoceros'.

Word Origin:
352 AD Neapolis. From Roman dialect, Haydennus.
Prominent historical figure, Haydennus (no surname known), infamous for penetrating the right hand of Roman senator Finnus, in the book of Isiah.

"Dude, what's up?"
"Man, I think I'm in love with that Hayden over there..."

by Jonathan Swift 92 September 2, 2021