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Jason Waterfalls

The first line of the chorus to a popular TLC song according to most milenials...

"Don't go Jason Waterfalls.. Please stick to the rivers and the lakes that you're used to."

"You're singing it wrong bb! Those aren't the lyrics!"

"Idc.. Not just about this, Idc about anything..."

by JonathanTaylorThomasBrothel March 22, 2016

38👍 6👎

Rainbow Bright

What I usually type in the search bar on EBay instead of Rainbow Brite, because usually the people who spell it wrong will list their shit undervalue and I'm broke bitch.

"RARE VTG 80s Rainbow Bright Nightgown (XL) that says RAINBOW BRITE in big letters on the front, but for some reason is still spelled incorrectly...
BUY IT NOW $3.00 "


by JonathanTaylorThomasBrothel October 24, 2017


LOL has greatly evolved since it's birth back in 1990 something or other in the AOL days. In present day it is commonly used in situations where you not only did not laugh out loud or think the previous statement was funny but you want out of the conversation all together, but politely. LOL followed by a question mark however is the less polite way of indicating that you don't want to talk and additionally whatever was just said made you feel super awkward as well.

Person 1: ...which inevitably led to why I had not 1 but 2 monkey wrenches in my ass.
Person 2: LOL?

by JonathanTaylorThomasBrothel September 6, 2014

1👍 1👎

Pumpkin Spice Butthole

My go to passive aggressive comment every Fall/ Autumn because I’m empty inside and just can’t let the basics enjoy their seasonal favorite latte

FRIEND: I’m thirsty, let’s go to Starbucks

ME: Noice! thought you’d never ask; been craving Pumpkin Spice Butthole since last April!

by JonathanTaylorThomasBrothel September 10, 2019