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Okay, firstly, I admit I hate school. The stupid rules/dress code, and I have been suspended several times, and I am failing. But to those who rant on and on about "waah, school sucks", and "*cry*, they made me do my homework and run a lot of laps" well boo the fuck hoo. If you want to succeed in life, you need school. An education is a necessity, like food, and water. And it's funny, because ironically enough, those people who ranted about school being "stupid" actually went to school and gained a brain, then they'd realize how retarded they once were acting.

I admit that school can be a bore, and the egotistical teachers that are drunk on power with their stupid rules may be complete hypocrits, but you need school, and school needs you.

You've got your life to think about, don't slack off in school and throw it all away, because when you're homeless and living on the street, I won't be the one to throw you a quarter.

Freddy the homeless bum slacked off in school, so he ended up on the street. When the successful businessman walked past Freddy, he remembered Freddy as being the "cool" kid who bothered the businessman in school for his taped up glasses and funny clothes. So the businessman kicked Freddy in the head as hard as he could and killed him.

Freddy - Got any spare change?
Businessman - No, but I have a $300 dollar shoe with your name on it!

by Jordan Clark March 7, 2005

52👍 55👎

High School

Basically a large building with students ranging from 13-18 years of age, where we supposedly are taught facts and dates to prepare us for our work lives. There are certain genres that any high school student knows about, and if you are any high school student, you also know that it is impossible to get through highschool without being labelled as one of these people. Here are most of the genres at my school:

Preps: Usually a large group of cheerleaders/jocks, wear bright clothes, get along with lots of people. They are active in school activities and school spirit, and their music range is probably the highest and largest of any of the groups, because it is not defined.

Punks*: Smaller group of anti-establishment students. Many of which the school faculty hates, and tries to get in trouble sometimes. Punks can be classified by the music they listen to, and their appearance. Of course, many students treat emo as punk, and because many students are emo, punk is slowly becoming emo. But with real punks, that is not the case. Real punks know better, and label the emo listeners as "posers".
* Not all punks are anti-establishment.

Wiggers: Basically white people fitting in with the black people, pretending to be the black people, or actually thinking that they are black. They mostly listen to annoying rap with huge bass, that they like to cruise around in their car listening to, at a volume that gives most people brain damage. Wiggers travel in huge packs, and like to beat up people who well, aren't wiggers. Wiggers usually exclaim annoying slang terms like "werd" and "what up", and it is quite unusual for a wigger to say 10 words without saying one of these slang terms.

Blacks: Like wiggers(see above) but with black skin.

Emokids: Large group of posers, most of which who skate, and listen to bands like Taking Back Sunday, The Used etc. etc. Most emokids have a hugely abnormal emotional range, and break down at the slightest things(their girlfriend dumps them, they see a dead squirrel, etc). Many, if not all, emokids think they are punk, and try to express this by wearing black clothes, talking in monotonous voices, wearing old school converse shoes, punk bracelets, and so on.

Nerds: The definition of Nerd has varied greatly, but a Nerd remains someone with a higher intelligence that likes to show it off. Most nerds are physically unable to perform simple feats, and test their brain power with activities like chess club, etc. They resort to video games because they have no social life. Basically all the nerds in the school form together to make a supergroup, in most schools anyway, and stick with this group all through highschool.

Goths: The smallest group in the school. Usually dress in black clothing, and have no regard for popular culture. Goths, most of the time, become friends with others. Many goths don't care about labels, and are friends with everyone, but those who are culturally stereotypical talk about goths behind their backs.

Bullies: A cowardly group of students that bother others and make their school life a living hell, through verbal and physical intimidation. Many have had a hard life growing up, and they resort to the unhappiness of others to make it through their pointless existence.

Jocks: Jocks are a large group of students that are egotistical, popular and good at physical sports. Many say they rule the school, but there are other groups that could lead the school if they truly wanted to. Many jocks are bullies, and bother nerds quite a lot. The only way Nerds can make it day by day is the dream that some day those jocks will be the ones flipping the burgers for the nerds.

Skinheads: A small group of punks/goths/normal people that have a hgih resilience to pain, and go around beating everything up. They have a low tolerance for people that get in their way, and very little of them care about school.

Normal people: Basically a bunch of introverts, or extroverts that don't fit into a specific genre because they don't keep up with popular culture and dress in normal bland clothes.

Teachers(1): A bunch of egotistical, mindless ignorant morons that treat everyone in the school like kids, and have no tolerance or very little tolerance for anything that isn't what they want it to be.

Teachers(2): A fun-loving brand of teacher that plays games with the class if they finish their work. This brand of teacher understands kids more, and treats them like adults. Many of these teachers keep up with popular culture.

Principal: A high figure, that many, many people would like to beat up or injure. Usually a male, and quite egotistical, a principal has very little tolerance for anything, and
will suspend/expel students for pretty much anything. Most principals look for reasons to bother students.

So there you have it, That's pretty much high school in a nutshell. But I have one last thing to say: School may be necessary in this society, but sometimes the teachers push us too far. With the stupid work and mindless ignorance, also the idiotic parents that bother and punish us for betting "Cs and Ds", No wonder so many people are taking out a gun and killing their highschool comrades.
Thats all I have to say for now.
- Jordan

*Nerd walking through school*
"I hope no one bothers me."
*Nerd gets pushed into lockers by Jock*
"Ow, what're you doing that for?"
*Goth walks by*
"Leave him alone, assface."
"Whachoo gonna do, ugly?"
*Goth precedes to beat this shit out of Jock*
*Teacher comes in*
"What's going on here?"
*Jock whines*
"He pushed that guy into the lockers, and when I tried to stop him, he punched and kicked me!"
*Teacher talks*
"Is this true? If so you're suspended."
"No, it's not true, he was beating him up, and-"
"Youre going to the office with me, young man."
*Once Teacher is gone, Jock precedes to beat up Nerd*

So, you see, Highschool sucks, and so does everything in it.

by Jordan Clark March 12, 2005

3400👍 817👎


The belief of no faith began its existence with Buddhism, the "father" of Zen. Buddhism began with a prince named Siddhartha (Vetanen 1). Siddhartha was born close to five hundred B.C. (Vetanen 1). After having lived twenty-nine years and experiencing life in the world, the soon-to-be-enlightened one left his child and martial partner in order to dedicate the rest of his life towards becoming enlightened (Vetanen 1). At the age of thirty-five, Siddhartha attained Enlightenment under the fabled Bo tree and became Buddha, or "The Enlightened One" (Vetanen 1). Although Buddha’s body died later, his spirit lived on and went into the next person that needs a soul (i.e. people that are being conceived. Many Zen thinkers say that Zen was initiated once Buddha achieved Enlightenment (Watts 24). Other Zen masters think of Bodidharma as the "founder" of the most popular Japanese form of Buddhism (Watts 24). Bodidharma’s name means "law of wisdom" (Keiji 10). The first Zen Buddhist was the leader of a Buddhist sect that later became Zen around 470 A.D. (Vetanen 1). Although there is doubt as to who officially began Zen, the definition of Zen remains the same.

The closest translation for Zen is contemplation (Watts 22). This conversion is not the most accurate of versions, as the most accurate version for Zen is Enlightenment and its methods of achievement (Watts 24). Zen was once called Ch’an (Vetanen 1). Ch’an is a belief of impermanence, meaning that those who practice Zen do not value their earthly possessions as much as one who does not have this belief of impermanence (Walter 1). Zen masters use language to make their difficult to understand (Keiji 11). For this reason and others, Zen is difficult to understand. Zen can be defined as a sect of Buddhists that is more lenient than other sects (Ross 139). Followers of Zen believe in Karma. Karma is thought of as nature’s "cause and effect" system (Aitken 2). However Zen is defined, one must learn the spiritual meaning of Zen without aid through meditation (Vetanen 2).

The spiritual meaning of Zen must be interpreted individually because it is not a simple answer to a question, and cannot be answered by any Zen master (Vetanen 2). It is difficult to comprehend Zen because those who are not enlightened have minds that make Zen’s meaning out to be much more difficult to understand than the true simplicity of the belief (Watts 52). "With our eyes on the horizon, we do not see what lies at our feet," (Watts 46) is a Zen explanation for the reason of Ch’an’s difficulty of comprehension. To become enlightened in Zen, one must merely remove the doubt that he is not enlightened. To fully understand Zen, meditation is more important than explanation, for Zen is a philosophy in which a Ch'an practitioner must learn on his own. The question of the belief of no faith can be asked in many different ways (Walter 1). The question can range from the age old, "What is the sound of one hand clapping?" to others such as, "What is the nature of the mind?" (Walter 1) Zen must be comprehended, not explained (Ross 143). Those who are Zen masters say that Ch’an is to go with existence without attempting to stop or hinder its course (Watts 52). To practice Ch’an, it is necessary to understand how to meditate.

There are two basic forms of contemplation: Shamatha and Vipshayana (Walter 2). Shanmatha contemplation is a preparatory measure for Vipshayana meditation. During Shanmatha contemplation, a contemplator attempts to recognize the stream of consciousness, without trying to manipulate or interrupt it. This prepares the body for Vipshayana contemplation, in which the meditator must not be interrupted by any other thoughts. Vipshayana contemplation is the type of contemplation with which one may find Enlightenment (Walter 2). There is also a type of meditation called Zazen. Zazen is practiced while seated, and the contemplator must notice his breathing without trying to alter its natural pattern (Walter 2). Zazen is much like Shanmatha meditation, in that one must recognize the body’s actions without interrupting in any way. When a Zen practitioner contemplates, the meditation affects the practitioner’s normal memory (Aitken 1). It is difficult to explain the entire process of meditation, as it is difficult to explain Zen’s true meaning.

The ancient religion of the samurai is not in fact a true religion by definition, as the practitioner of Zen does not worship any god, but, in essence, worships the body’s complexity, especially the complexity of the mind. The belief of no faith is an assimilation of many other religions from the East. Since the religion began in Japan, it shows the Japanese ability to borrow cultural aspects of other cultures and incorporate it seamlessly with Japanese culture. It is difficult for anyone who does not wish to accept Zen Buddhism to understand the deeper meaning of this religion. But anyone who embraces the belief of the belief of no faith has a good chance of achieving Enlightenment.

By Jordan Clark

What is Mind? No Matter. What is Matter? Never Mind.

by Jordan Clark March 12, 2005

509👍 299👎


Arguably one of the most overrated genres of music ever devised. Involving little creative musical tastes, but making up for it with meaningless lightning-fast riffs and extremely prolonged and annoying heavy double bass lines.
Metalheads compare metal to the 'alternatives', punk and rap, and think that those are the only other genres people listen to and appreciate, and because metal is 'better' than them, metal MUST be the greatest.. right?
I'm not going to get into punk and metal and rap, because I don't properly appreciate any of them. But punk's roots and rap's roots are a lot better and go back way longer. No, metal was not what started rock, anyone who believes that was about 45 years off. Rock obviously sparked metal, and I feel ashamed that such amazing and talented music could fill the mainstream with such filth. Nuff said.

Metal took The Who, The Kinks, Led Zeppelin and others and fucked their style up the ass to create a hideous 'genre' of music. Fuck Metal.

by Jordan Clark May 7, 2006

62👍 142👎

The Shwa

A shit city in the GTA(Greater Toronto Area). Nestled between Kingston and Toronto along with a bunch of other shitty cities(Pickering, Bowmanville), Oshawa's pollution remains high in quantity and area. Thanks to the GM Plant, the biggest plant in the world, located in South Oshawa, basically everyone in Oshawa either commutes to Toronto or works at the GM plant. Oshawa is divided into 4 parts:

North Oshawa: Where white people roam. Basically the only part of Oshawa that you can walk around at night, and without fear of getting stabbed to death.

South Oshawa(Business District): Very few houses, very clogged streets and little kids getting run over by cops. The schools in South Oshawa are falling apart.

East Oshawa: Bordering with Courtice, filled with an equal number of white people and black people. The new residential houses are okay, but the old ones fall apart and suck.

West Oshawa: A huge metropolis of Dairy Queens, Lil' Caesars' Pizzaria's and schools that are falling apart. Wayy too much apartment buildings. I swear, if one were to fall over, it would create a huge domino effect and it would knock out all of West Oshawa. Clogged with smoke and traffic, this is probably the worst part of Oshawa. Also referred to as "shit city".

Shwa'ster 1: y0 man lahk ah live in tha ghetto-est paht of the whole of the 'shwa man! yeeh, repruhsent!

'Shwa-ian: What the fuck? You live in a $300, 000 house, "mah niga". Get a job, white boy.

by Jordan Clark March 17, 2005

156👍 106👎