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To be incredibly drunk out of your mind.

eche, no joda! Cipote pea la de anoche!
Typical expression used to describe a really drunk person in Barranquilla, Colombia

by Jorgito February 11, 2008

14👍 14👎


She is said to have been an angel in Heaven and was sent down by God himself to stay on Earth in order to make the world a better place. When you encounter her, her name will throw you off. She's shy, but ends up being one of the nicest and most caring girls on the planet. She always has your back and loves to help, and also loves Chinese food. The hottest woman alive, not only because of her smokin hot body, like REALLY HOT BODY, but because of her personality. She tells jokes that aren't funny, but she laughs at them anyways, so you can't help but laugh with her. She's lame, but cool in her own way that everybody loves. Every woman wants to be her, and every man wants to be with her, unfortunately for all those other men out there, she only has one lover, the most masculine being on Earth. She has very good taste in everything. If you ever come across a Tamar in your life, thank God you did, because you won't find a woman like her again.

Tamar is the only person who surpasses the word perfection.

by Jorgito November 6, 2012

616👍 62👎


Term used to define something beyond grand, luxurious or opulent.
Jeffrioni > opulence.

The jeffrioni lifestyle

by Jorgito December 24, 2023