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Also referred to as the Zombie Religion. It is a term given to the brainwashed zombies that follow the mormon cult, also referred to as latter day saints (LDS). Sorry but as much as they (mormons) would like to deny it their so called 'religion' is nothing more than a backward cult. Some fellow, Joseph Smith, had an overactive imagination and a penchant for polygamy and manipulating people. He is no better than Jim Jones, L. Ron Hubbard or other similar narcissistic bloke that has cropped up ready to become the next great incarnate of something holier than thou (bla bla bla). It just so happened that he (Joe Smith) rolled in on an entire state of stupid people and was able to rope them into believing in his B.S.
Just because a lot of people believe in mormonism does not make it anything other than a cult. It is just that mormonism has become a really big cult that is nonetheless scary in its manipulative and backward belief system than it was at its inception.

Funniest thing I ever saw was while working in a computer lab while in University and beside me was a mormon boy and his mom looking through a mormon website picking out girls that would be good for him to marry. That was too much. Aparently morminism teaches young men to avoid finding a free thinking young woman but rather some bred for breeding brainwashed little girl that can be manipulated and coerced to ensure continued mormonism. If are cognitively deficient and the remainder of your brain function has been severely manipulated it is pretty hard to not be a zombie of mormonism.

by Joseph Smith the cult leader September 7, 2006

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Individual who believes that a narcissistic dude (me - Joseph Smith) found some golden plates passed straight from the heavens (hehe) which bore the words of god (hehe again). Mormons give lots of their earnings (>10%) to the "church" (cult organization), the men traditionally have many women (younger the better) for themselves (although the book of mormon has had to be re-written a few times to keep it just mildly less than ridiculous with each new generation รขย€ย“ but there are still some die-hard fundamentalist mormons), and the boys have to abstain from the sexy during a (ideally) 2 year mission with a buddy in order to concentrate on pushing the cult's teachings (although this commonly leads to nothing more than 2 years of mental anguish, excessive masturbation and homosexual tendency) . After their mission the boys can then find their bride(s) online or from cousins and proceed to produce as many children as possible for further indoctrination and to eventually try to take over the world.

Wrap all of these beliefs in a fine package for any horny young man or heavily indoctrinated or disempowered young lady (neophyte nincompoops) and you are on your way to making a "mormon."

Too numerous to mention but check out any other sick cult that is either in existence or has came to pass: Jim Jones and "The People's Temple"(Jonestown), Scientology, Father Divine, David Koresh and the Branch Davidians, Charles Manson and "The Family," Marshall Herff Applewhite and Bonnie "Ti" Lu Trusdale Nettles' of Heaven's Gate, Jehovah's Witness... more coming to a town near you.

I am mormon, therefore I am moron.

Can't make normal out of mormon but you can make moron.

by Joseph Smith the cult leader September 19, 2006

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