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Rowan is a uni-sex name.

Boy: Male Rowans are usually very cocky and self centered. They think very highly of themselves and it can be somewhat charming. They say they’re athletes but are usually built like sticks. Boy Rowans aren't usually the most fashionable and wear the same outfits every week. They always have a nice smile. People are drawn to their personality because they aren’t afraid to speak their mind. They aren’t good at letting people in though and often end up hurting others unintentionally.

Girl: Girl Rowans are some of the most exotic people you’ll ever meet. They don’t care what anyone thinks and are very into fashion and finding themselves. They’re good at helping people through tough times. People often try to hate of girl Rowans but they’re too content with themselves and their lives to care.

Person 1: I have a crush on Rowan
Person 2: The boy?
Person 1: Yeah, something about his personality draws me in
Person 2: He’s cool but I wouldn’t waste my time, you’ll just end up getting hurt

Person 1: Have you seen Rowan? She dresses so weird.
Person 2: I think it’s cool

by Journeyishere June 29, 2020