A great man/ monkey hybrid from uranus. Jouwey and jonah, as well as jerome and harambe all had a wonder child, known as jaquambe. We dont know where the q came from.
Hey pal, you know jaquambe? Ya man i pray to him.
Hey brotha, wheres jaquambe? Probably off saving the world.
Starting at 12am on July 13th and ending at 12am on July 14th, International Sussy Baka Day is a holiday celebrated around the world by using the word Baka in place of every word in a conversation. R Kelly and Bill Cosby (Pissy Bakas) especially love this holiday. Odell aka Fece Baka Beckham also loves this holiday.
The Gif is of R Kellys Sussy Piss
Some Examples:
International Sussy Baka Day Is My Favorite International Holiday. I love replacing every word with Baka on this day.
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Michael lived a normal life until he discovered Hookah. He became the most influential Hookah kingpin of all time until his eventual arrest in September of 2020. He went to federal prison on a 77 year sentence, and his cellmate was R-Kelly. They broke out together and joined the Italian mob, got married, and lived happily ever after until death.
Who's Abu Michael Cambria Jr. and why does he want Rylees kisses?
He's the biggest drug-lord of all time.
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Malik was a normal guy, until Abu Michael Cambria Jr. became involved in Hookah. Malik realized Michael had a monopoly over the Hookah market, so he sought out for a new money-making method. That's when he realized he could sell Coca-Cola infused with piss, and call it "Mailk Juice". He made billions.
Abu Malik Oakes Jr. is the piss coke king.