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Any person who is hypocritical, obsessed with wealth and authority, devoid of compassion or empathy, gets an erection from guns and bombs, is incapable of honesty, cowardly, unable to produce origianl or creative thoughts, a rascist defender of White Privalege with a whiney bitchass sense of entitlement, extremely narrow-mined, ethnocentric, cheap, and blaims all the worlds problems on Democrats, minorities, or foriegners. They can often be seen driving Ford F150 Trucks with "Bush '04" stickers still on them five years later. Typically they were the fat, ugly, aukward, or boring kids in High School who never got laid and weren't smart enough to sit with the nerds. They grow up and attempt to horde money, because women will only fuck them if they are rich.

Ex: Who are all those pricks at that bogus tea party gathering? Republican astroturf douchebags who can't figure out that Obama actually lowered their taxes...fuckin idiots!!!

by Jr Phillips August 11, 2009

1025👍 191👎


If you don't know what shit is you have shit for brains. I do have a nice bit to add on the origin of the word though.

ORIGIN: Hundreds of years ago in England manure was shipped as fertilizer by sea to famers for use on their fields. The ships that they used to haul this nasty freight were wooden and the smell of fresh shit made the sailors sick. Some sailors started storing the shit deep in the hull and even attempted to seal off the smell. Unfortunatey, the methane gas from all the manure built up and as soon as some poor sailor came by with a lit pipe or a lantern... BOOM!!!

To avoid this, sailors realized they had to let the dangerous cargo air out, and that manure was only safe at the top of the frieght stacks in the ocean breeze. Crates holding manure had the abbreviation S.H.I.T. on them to remind sailors to Ship High In Transit. Thus, the term shit was born and went on to become one of the most beloved and interchangable curse words in English history. Now ain't that some fascinating shit?

Shit can mean anything from the lowest of the low to the greatest of the great!

Ex: Denzel Washington's acting is the shit!!! (positive)

Ex2: Rush Limbaugh is a lardass, hypocritical, lying, bigoted, drug addicted, narrow-minded, arrogant, and self-obsessed piece of toxic shit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

by Jr Phillips August 11, 2009

3👍 4👎