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Someone who possesses a natural charm and charisma, able to pull all the huzzes with the level ten gyats. This person brings people together, creating a sigma alpha atmosphere around them, and has a way of making glaze him like a krispy kreme doughnut. This effect can even pull dudes making them glaze them so much to the point they would (buy them 4 potato cakes every for free and would secretly suck his shaft like there’s no tomorrow)

Oh Jckson has rizzmacharisma he’s such an alpha Skibidi

by Jsckson December 16, 2024


A person who is not the smartest and most likely has autism

Wow Murwan is so wierd

by Jsckson June 1, 2022


Is most likely short with anger Issues and is smart but acts autistic and is most like fat

Who the hell is the new kid Named Tanzid he looks like he short problem not a threat

by Jsckson June 1, 2022


A chicken, or your 2 millimeter defeater

I tried some of Jeremy's cock the other day it was delicious

by Jsckson July 15, 2023


Some one who thinks they are him but is not only because they think they get bitches but in reality it’s just because they are a fat and build like a teddy bear that just wants hugs.

I love ossman so much he like a teddy bear

by Jsckson December 15, 2024


A person who thinks they are him but is not only because they think they get huzz but in reality it’s just because they are a fat and build like the pillsbury doughboy that just wants hugs.

I love ossman so much he like one big American marshmallow

by Jsckson December 15, 2024


I am a Sigma Alpha male who is built and muscular yet slim. He always attracts attention from the huzz around his massive aura. Nafez exemplifies the term "Rizzmacharisma," as he draws admiration from everyone to the point where people go home excitedly kicking their legs back and forth in enthusiasm when they are lying in their beds.

Nafez truly inspires me with his charisma and charm. I often find myself wishing I could embody some of his qualities or even just share moments with him. He has such an alpha sigma male presence that makes it easy to admire him.

by Jsckson December 22, 2024