(1) Belief in Allah (God) and Mohammad (an old word referring to Jesus Christ), as expressed in the Qu'ran (a mistranslated, Syriac Christian book).
(2) Pray 5 times a day facing Mecca (an Arabic town where an imaginary pagan prophet lived).
(3) Giving of alms (Zakat, or 2.5% of income, which is 1/4 the customary alms required of other Christian sects).
(4) Fast during Ramadan (an imitation of the Lenten Christian holy month, Ramadan is related to the crescent moon)
(5) A trip to Mecca (ensures that Saudis make a lot of money and involves walking around an old Christian church now called the Kaaba)
The "Five Pillars of Islam" were invented by competing Arabic warlords in the process of creating their new religion from an older, Christian sect. In time, these groups would be known as "Sunni" and "Shia."
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