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Fat kid in a polo

Fat kid in a polo describes your not-so-averagly fat kid, wearing a too tight pink polo shirt.

Although his wardrobe consists of track suits, knock off Ed Hardy clothing and fairy wings; The pink polo shirt really tops all of these articles off. Being too tight, pink, and fitted way to snugly to a fat boy's body, it really is quite the "sight to see".

In the pubesent state that "Fat kid in a polo" is in, he is mostly consisted of:
Greasy hair, acne, flubbery skin, and a voice of an 11 year old girl.

He is overweight ( still shedding off the "baby fat") and extremly immature.

He has absolutely no athletic ability, although he is a sad exscuse for a member of the football team and claims he is "Technically part of the basketball team" - i don't think water boy counts fat kid.

If you shall ever encounter Fat kid in a polo; take the following into consideration - He is an unusual species and his feelings will be hurt if you call him fat. He may be seen dressed as a fairy, or a pirate but only on rare occasions in which he will change in the bathroom to avoid name calling and teasing.

Fat kid in a polo can be addressed like so, and somehow have no reaction other then "Did you see those guys? .. They were being really mean to me"

Cool Guy #1 "Hey fat kid, is that a pink polo you're wearing?"

Cool Guy #2 " why does it say Abercrombie and Stitch? .. Is that a knock-off fat kid? "

Cool guy #1 *deliberatly laughs in fat kid's face* "Why yes cool guy #2 , I think it is."


Everyone surrounding" Hhahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahhaha yea fat kid in a polo, you're so fat and your polo is way to tight!"

Cool Guy #1 & Cool Guy #2 " You should stick to track suits"

by JudgementalMcGee November 18, 2010

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