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Juggadoo is a swap-in for adjectives and nouns

Man 1: did you see johns new tv yet? It’s so juggadoo
Man 2: kill yourself

by Juggadoo January 4, 2023


The word nuggalo is like the n word but for white people

Brady: hey nick meet my nuggalo nick
Nick: fuck you

by Juggadoo January 14, 2023

Chainsaw party

The act of taking 20 naked hoes lives with an orange husqvarna chainsaw

Person 1: dude did you go to brian’s chainsaw party last night, it was awesome. Person 2: Nah I didn’t go but i gotta be there next time.

by Juggadoo May 17, 2023


Ruggalo is a slang term used to describe a white person you should not mess with, see nuggalo for more information

John: hey Jane have you seen that guy Brady around?
Jane: yeah what about him?
John: don’t go near him, he’s a ruggalo

by Juggadoo January 15, 2023