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HAVE A NICE DAY; in Everybody Loves Raymond when Ray gets take-out from the Chinese Restaurant, the lady says "habanada" as he leaves, he later finds out she was saying "have a nice day"

exiting a store, the clerk says: "habanada"

by Juju Huckabee September 19, 2006

65👍 17👎


having a fantastic time doing something fobby like karaoke; used in place of the word fantastic

i had a fobanastic time singing

by Juju Huckabee September 19, 2006

5👍 1👎


when the butt is so flat that it connects straight into the thigh;

or when the butt and thigh are so big that you cannot tell which is the butt or the thigh

she has a butt-thigh!!

by Juju Huckabee September 19, 2006

13👍 5👎


becoming asian-washed; turning into a fob

i've been in china too long, now i'm fobanized

by Juju Huckabee September 19, 2006

6👍 3👎


another way of saying charbroiled

i would like some charbololo chicken please

by Juju Huckabee September 19, 2006

3👍 1👎