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Nice can be CARZY WIERD be overall an amazing dancer and singer is friends with everyone easily even the most shy person is there bff loves old things and is damn HOT and you can never know that she likes u she acts cool around her chrushes so watch out cause a Julia can light up your day just like that btw BOYS ARE LIKE WOO LOOK AT THE FINE GIRL in there minds doe lol

Boy#1:wow look at that girl she's one of my friends she's awesome
Boy#2:she's my long life crush she's so cool

Girl#1:wow look at Julia she's so kick butt I'm so happy I'm her friend
Girl#2:I heard that Mario was like she's my cursh but Julia should be with Adam lol

by Julia and the unicorn squad September 3, 2016

6👍 3👎


A very very VERY pretty girl who loves to draw and and sing and is really good at dancing the most shy girl can be her bff so can everyone else she's amazing and she can be pretty good at getting u back if u hurt her or her friends if u try to use her watch out she has eyes on the back of her head most Julia's have long brown hair and the most beautiful brown eyes she's not very Athletic but if u get her worked up she can bite your face off a bit of a girl who is a leader of her self and doesn't like it when she is told that she's not pretty or smart or whatever enough she won't listen to u and continue with having a great life and she loves her family but sometimes she can spill her feeling out to her bff and only her bff so if she pulls out u might hear some very sad stuff but it's okay lol she's very funny too

Guy 1:hey Julia u SUCK at foot ball I can beat u
Julia:Grrrr come here *gets all up in yo face*i will bite off ur head boy

Girl 1:hey Julia wanna hang after school?
Julia:sure we can do our hair and go dirt biking

Guy 2:hey Julia wanna play basket ball at lunch?we need u on our team

Julia:sure bro lets knock off people's head lol *puts on more lip gloss*

Girl 2:hey Julia did u hear Amber was talking about u ?
Julia:Grrrr I a get her she better watch her little dumb butt

*1 hour later*
Julia:hey amber wanna try my new shake it's really good

Amber:sure I'd love too *her mind:omg eww what is that omg this is so gonna be a good story to tell lol she's so ugly

Julia:and guess what

Julia:ITS GOOD FOR YOUR UGLY MESSED UP HAIR BITCH *pours a whole jug of shake on her head* don't try me girl

by Julia and the unicorn squad September 5, 2016

4👍 2👎