A catamaran that will not behave properly because of many design flaws
Joe is selling his old beat-up cuntamaran. Would you like to buy it?
A compound word formed by joining Modi + dimwit
Synonyms are dictator, pathological lier, false propaganda machine, authoritarian asshole etc.
He is a somewhat good person + complete asshole + dimwit turd, a mutant hybrid
Modimwit has over a billion bhaktchod followers. Their favourite passtime is bhaktchodi. Modimwit is a pathological lier but bhaktchods think otherwise. He is better than his predecessors though, by a wide margin. Modimwit likes to take credit for everything, I mean EVERYTHING.
a police officer in charge of dealing with cunty bitches being cunty in public / people displaying antisocial behaviour
If you swallow uncooked unsoaked buckwheat seeds with water, next day you poop out Buttwheat.
This is similar to Turdmillets
@ After 20 minutes of explaining @
Cashier: Mam, we don't have any Buttwheat in our store shelves. I don't know which health website you came across & what article you happened to read. I must ask you to leave.
Sobek is a crocodile god of Nile in Egypt. He can haunt you too.
Caleb from Geneva, New York was haunted & then possessed by Sobek when he visited a museum to see a mummy who was an Egyptian priestess protected by Sobek in her afterlife. To know more, use base64 decoder to decode this aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cueW91dHViZS5jb20vd2F0Y2g/dj1zRS1BMlVfc1BhUQ==
A person who stealthily sniffs other people's butts without them knowing.
Sam: Jimmy was caught hiding under the couples bed. A sneaky Peeping Tom he is.
Jeremiah: No he is a Sniffing Tom, he was sniffing their butts when they were asleep.
Fall of democracy & rise of Sharia warlords
Ashraf Ghani escapes Afghanistan which gets pushed into dark ages by Tardliban as I type this
The world witnesses Ashrafghanistan as Tardliban comes to power