The late legendary commander of the Northern Alliance, killed in a plot by terrorists from Napakistan. He was an ally of the west & democracy.
Ahmed Shah Massoud is immortalised in the hearts & minds of people of Panjshir. Now his son takes his place.
NattÅ is a traditional Japanese food made from soybeans that have been fermented with Bacillus subtilis var. natto
Billy: Hey you want to try some Natto?
Roxanne: Nah, that slimy stuff makes me want to puke
Trump + Asura = Trumpasur / à¤à¥à¤°à¤®à¥à¤ªà¤¾à¤¸à¥à¤° / Trump Demon, derived from Sanskrit, 'u' is pronounced 'oo' that is Trumpasoor
The reign of the evil Trumpasur comes to an end
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A variety of pepper known as rat's turd
Also a variety of Carolina reaper that is brown, and when looked at from a certain orientation, it looks like turdpile
Wanna have some turdpepper soup?
American government policies of heavily subsidizing corn production
Cob mentality of the government leads to corn availability at prices lower than production cost. The food industry likes to use this cheap, high fructose corn syrup in all processed foods increasing chronic disease burden.
A polymer with desirable physical properties for cheap & safe, mass industrial dildomaking that can be safely used anywhere from Death Valley to Antarctica
Dildochusetts Institute of Technology (DIT) has developed dildomer with amazing physical properties
Cuntifying brilliant creation of Steve Jobs by his gay succesor
They just launched a new Macuntosh with Apple silicon