A cunty aggregate of fundamental principles or established precedents that constitute the legal basis of a polity, organisation or other type of entity and commonly determine how that entity is to be governed.
Every crazy power hungry politician that has ever lived has mused at some point about writing his own cuntstitution for his own gain
It is a variety of rice that is believed to have been developed by crossing basmati with some unknown variety. It was supposed to be more fragrant than basmati, but it ended up smelling like ass.
Bitches lets cook up some cheap ass assmati & make some cheap ass sake
A festival celebrated in the city of Dildo, Canada to attract tourists. They took some inspiration from Munich Oktoberfest.
Ana, Julia, Samantha, Razia & Trisha are going to Dildo to celebrate Spunktoberfest. They are starving.
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Cunt + Vitiligo
Vitiligo of the cunt
Cuntisha developed autoimmune Cuntiligo
I was trying to make some Tempeh, but after 2 days I opened the food container & was surprised to find cuntpeh instead
The unofficial arm of Tardliban, comprised of terrorists on the ground, who have their own mind & don't give a shit about the chain of command. They are a bunch of bandits.
Talibandits asked a poor destitute woman to cook for 15 terrorists & even though she somehow made it happen with her limited resources, the lit her on fire because the food tasted awful. Tardliban is making many promises which Talibandits aren't obliged to honor.
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Synonym for the Tangerine Turd aka Trump
They flushed the Turdy McTurdface out of the office