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A Latino, usually a player, who uses only the newest computer based technology and communication tools to pursue and further amorous relations.

"Whenever I see Carlos he's either in the chat room or out and about talking to his flavor of the week on his newest gadget. He's such an iPapi".

by Just Brad September 12, 2008

12👍 5👎


Someone (usually a homosexual) who speaks in gay slang or in a gay way. (As compared to someone who speaks French 'Francophone' or English 'Anglophone').

--"Scotty told me that the lip gloss and chaps look ridic on me. I'm SO wearing them to the next circuit party."

-"Geez Phillip, the way you say it, you sound like such a homophone"

by Just Brad September 21, 2007

16👍 21👎