Source Code

Mixed Broken Language

Also known as MBL, it is a set of text written in a way that one may consider it to be broken English, but it also uses words from other languages. There is no punctuation or regulation of any kind applied to MBL, just do whatever

A-“Is you an americas?”
B-“no but are you from a non-English speaking country?”
A-“oui mein komrade”
B-“You speakin’ in mixed broken language?”

by Just a human on this planet October 4, 2017


A species of sentient and intelligent carbon based lifeforms which evolved from a certain species of chimpanzee-like animals from a very, very long time ago. Humans (or homosapiens) have started from the caves doing nothing but following instincts and surviving, to basically becoming the main dominant lifeform on this planet we call Earth. The human race have achieved many great things and are very social, but face many issues such as pollution, conflict and war between the different sub-species of humans (ethnics) and other issues that may cause a major breakdown in the races’ economy, society and survival. Basically humans are just animals with great achievements, but with issues from human origins that if not taken seriously and if we dont cooperate, we all die. The war that may or may not be happening right now will mean nothing if there is nothing to protect in the future because of the humans’ ignorant behavior. We as a species are failing and have come to a point of no return. We must work together and forget our differences to rebuild our society into a world where we all fit together. Only then we can move to the next stage of the purpose of this species existence

“Humans are just creatures who will fight for their place in existence while destroying themselves”

by Just a human on this planet October 4, 2017