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Donald Trump

The 45th president of the United States, who was one of the best presidents to happen as he boosted the economy, gave jobs to thousands, even millions of Americans, and solved illegal Mexicans coming into our country by instating better border protection. Unlike nearly everyone else on this page being 3 year olds and insulting Trump, Trump was intelligent. Because of this, he was a good president. Unfortunately grandpa Biden and the other dumbass democrats decided to rig the election. We can only hope Trump will make it back in 2024 and fix america again.

Person 1 : President Donald Trump was the 45th president who served one term right?

Person 2 : Technically yeah, but the 2020 election was fraud.

Person 1 : Oh, right.

by Just a normal guy on the web August 31, 2022

41👍 4👎