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(Noun) A Canadian who supports or is a member of the Klan (KKK)

'While in Vancouver'

George: Holy shit man, last night in the forest I saw some ghosts burning a cross.
Steve: Oh, they're just Klanadians, they're harmless, unless you're a coon.

by Just another white guy... February 7, 2014

3👍 1👎



A common saying in New Zealand, meaning 'we're even', or 'we're okay'. Alguds is mostly used when one person wrongs another.

Scenario 1

"Oh G, I got sumthin to tell you"
"What be it cunt?"
"Bro I fucked your sister last night"

Scenario 2
"Yo fuck yo cunt, what be my nigga?"
"Nuffin much cuz, just raxed this faggot's phone, stupid fuck left it on a fuckin bench"
"Ow that's my phone cunt!"
"Fuck you bitch, its mine now cunt"

by Just another white guy... November 23, 2013

24👍 7👎


(slang) A common saying in New Zealand, used to signify appreciation or thankfulness. It is a very flexible word that can be used in just about any scenario in which one thanks another...

When used in conjunction with the saying 'G', it is greatly emphasized.

This saying is greatly used throughout the Maori population, and even some Caucasian/Pakeha use this to thank one-another.

Scenario 1
"Yo wassup ma nigga?"
"Nuffin much G, just raxed this cunts chips, you want some you dirty cunt?"
"Shots cuz"

Scenario 2
"Yo nanna, can we get sum fish and chips?"
"Aw, fuck nanna, you the best; Shots"

by Just another white guy... November 20, 2013

117👍 34👎