The opposite behavior of 98% of the population below age 21.
Sophistication is a mix of knowing when a joke's over, caring somewhat about the consequences of your actions, talking about something of reasonable importance, having a good dose of common sense, not letting your immediate reactions control your life, knowing how much information is TOO much information, and not wearing wearing your jeans lower than your underwear.
Sophistiated: "Hi, Jenna. It's great to hear from you again! Yes, I'd love to come over for dinner, thanks. 6:30 works perfectly. I'll see you there!"
Unsophisticated. "Oh em gee. JENNA! I can so so not believe it's you, like, omigosh! Can I like...stop by or something? 'Cause my ex is in town, and he's SOOOOOOOOOO annoying. Like, stalker-ish annoying. It's sort of freaky -- hey, hello?! Like, are you still there?"
Sophisticated e-mail: Ms. Thompson, I will not be in your 4th period history class today because of an illness I've contracted. Can you please send the homework assignment to me? Thanks, Corina.
Unsophisticated e-mail: ummmmmmmmm hi ms t this is corina and im sick so liek i cant come to class and i need the hw k bai
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