A Japanese term referring to people who have left without a trace, usually willingly and usually because of the high stress and pressure put on Japanese people, which is why the term was first coined in Japan.
"I hate you."
"Well, your dad's a JÅhatsu, guess he left for the milk."
A person who is a fan of the Sims Series and plays and/or has been playing the Sims Series and enjoys playing the Series.
"Wow, did you know Ashley played the Sims for 16 hours straight!?"
"Yeah, she's definitely a Simmer."
A school in Oak Park that high schoolers from River Forest, and Oak Park attend, and is oddly a pretty big school in suburban Chicago.
OPRF is notable for its famous alumni.
Princess Syndrome, also known as å
(GÅngzhÇ Bìng), 공주ë³(gongju-byeong), å
(gung1 zyu2 beng6 ), originated from Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore (and a few in Japan). because of their low birth rates, and the booming economy at the time, many parents only had one child, that was a girl. Because many girls were only children and their parents were also rich, they were efficiently raised having "princess syndrome".
Symptoms of Princess Syndrome is:
1. Treating everyone as inferiors
2. Being very high-maitenence
3. Complain about the smallest things
4. Throw tantrums or get angry when things don't their way
5. From the ages 3-22 (can be older)
6. Never do chores in their life
7. Never put hard work into everything
8. Expect other adults or their parents to do everything for them
9. Their Parents never try to discipline them
10. They are put on a pedestal, even when they do terrible things
11. Are obsessed with being pretty, such as wearing lots of makeup and having a skincare routine
12. Are an only child (if they aren't an only child, they are usually the youngest, oldest or only girl in the family)
13. Have many friends
14. Have a history of stealing money from their parents or financially abusing or threatening money
15. Doesn't like not being in the spotlight
16. Expected to be cared of by people on the same level as them or superiors
"Have you ever watched Toddlers & Tiaras, that mom bought her baby daughter a 500,000 dollar outift!"
"She is definitely gonna grow up to have Princess Syndrome!"
somehow the name of every middle-aged polish blonde women behind Anna.
"Hello, what's your name?" Person A
"Katarzyna." Person B
"What a unique name!" Person A
(hundreds of thousands people are named Katarzyna in Poland so it's not that unique) Person B
A word to refer to cats informally in China (or Chinese diaspora groups), and is used to mimic the onomatopoeia cats make when they meow. It also follows customs of names in China, referring to someone's name using two syllables/ characters, therefore the repetition in the name. a big misconception is that it is used as a name for cats, but it is used to refer to a singular cat you know in general, and not used as a name. Similarly how we name our dad's "my old man", even though we formally refer to them as our dad, people may interchangeably change between the two, with the least used term often being used informally.
I walked Mimi outside, I never knew Nanning was so hot in the summer!
Nostalgia that isn't nostalgia to someone, and rather reminds some of personal nostalgia/ old things that gives them nostalgia of something that never existed in the first place, that often the person is heavily aware of, and happens for no apparent reason. The noun version of this is "Null-Stalgia"
"Wow, this music from the seventies is making me very nostalgic".
"Its probably just fake, null-stalgic memories."