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Cult Of Vin

A old roblox game centered around a weirdcore and void theme. Owned by Vin and Sin.
Rot in hell, on 11/19 the oweners of this game where both exposed. Sin was a P3d0 and Vin for scamming, and getting over hundreds of dollars from the kids that would play this game to simply get a voidkin title.

Cult of Vin, a old game that once was a safe haven for many... but had it's dark secrets and in the end hurt us all. 11/19.

by Justice For Them All. November 21, 2022

22👍 2👎


YouTube: A action of offensive and pointless stupidly; a individual who acts who acts with offensive and pointless stupidity; a moment of offensive and pointless stupidity; (Def: 1)

A person farts in a crowded elevator and screams "It was I". It smells really bad and people start to get sick. This person is a YouTube.

by Justice For Them All. January 25, 2023