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A dumbass mf with nothing better to do but waste his life making super mario based hacks and games. He lives in a shriveled up hole in the middle of a nuclear warzone where he uploads shitty memes to impress no one.

Guy: what's that dude who is like, the unfunniest person on the planet?
Girl: oh, Jusyoniox?

by Jusyoniox March 30, 2022

4👍 2👎


An evil force. These types of people tend to be 67 year old British men leaving 1 star reviews on everything in britain

"yo I hated that fuckin shop. Might go do a Terence"

by Jusyoniox March 30, 2022

10👍 4👎


This rare species tend to act that closely to an actual human. It is advised you sheild yourself away if you come into contact with a Liam for at least 12 years.

"Ayo bruh, i just came into contact with a Liam. Might need to sheild"

by Jusyoniox March 30, 2022

4👍 2👎