1. the advocation of social, political, and all other rights of women equal to those of men.
2. an organized movement for the attainment of such rights for women.
A response to sexism, which is also known as an institutional barrier within a society that systematically prohibits women from gaining equal status to men.
While humanism may be the equal rights for both men and women, feminism is also significant because women have been historically and cross-culturally subject to being of lesser status than men. Because patriarchy is such a prevalent form of social organization, and because by its very definition it relegates women as less than equal when compared to men, as long as patriarchy exists, feminism exists by necessity.
1. Men can't be feminists.
FALSE. Both men and women can support equal rights for women.
2. All feminists are men-haters.
FALSE. Feminists do not necessarily hate men; in fact, most don't.
Feminism exists because women are systematically and institutionally prejudiced against; it is not the result of one person's or one generation's choices, but because society has set women up to equate to less from the start.
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