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When on a video call, you start to talk but stop because the other person starts to talk but they stop to let you talk. This repeats for a few moments as you all say half words but then stop for the other person to say a half word.

Eventually there is an awkward long pause as both parties wait for the other to speak. Then both parties start talking at the same time again resetting the cycle.

A virtual equivalent to trying to move aside in the grocery store aisle to avoid a cart collision but both people move to the same side. Chaos ensues as both people try to find a route out of the way of the others route while not communicating with the other person.

"Dude I got totally zoomed on a call with my gramma! Was on for half an hour but we only accomplished ten complete sentences."

by K.J. Rolling November 25, 2020

Making Sourdough

to Make Sourdough is to do something that you don't like only to pass time. Especially at work or at home during a pandemic.
Usually a monotonous task that is not rewarding.

"It was so dead at work today I started making sourdough, now the dumpster is clean and I am questioning my life choices."

by K.J. Rolling November 25, 2020