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a fusion genre consisting of AMERICAN-style death metal and/or Grindcore, and general metal-core influences. Deathcore is not as Swedish/European influenced as metalcore, but still features breakdowns, frequently ad nauseum. (The Gothenburg sound is not really death metal, but a different kind of thrash metal. it still rules, though.)

actually a from of Thrash Metal, the European "Death Metal" sound tends to follow established rules of harmony. Harmonic minor modes are very common, and accidentals (notes falling outside the key signature) are kept to a minimum. it tends to be based somewhat on european Classical Music, but not as much as Yngwie Malmsteen. times signatures fluctuate far less than american DM.

American Death Metal follows NO rules of harmony and finding the song's key is frequently almost impossible. diminished and/or chromatic tonalitied fly about and disonance is a hallmark. blast beats are borrowed from hardcore/punk (metal an dpunk have a long history of cross-pollenization), and time signatures tend to fluctuate usually for a jarring effect. as in any genre, some bands are just barely able to play, but the really good ones are usually masters of their instruments.

examples of deathcore would be early albums by:

Job For A Cowboy, Underoath, Throught the Eyes of the Dead, All Shall Perish.
Since then JFAC and TTEOTD have evolved to being real death metal. but JFAC fucking sucks donkey balls. they just steal old Cannibal Corpse stuff and make it even worse.
Underoath is now a shitty screamo (as in emo, but with screaming &"hard" music) band.
Deatcore is kinda gay when compared to real Death Metal, but at least its not korn.

by K3VIN G. March 26, 2008

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