Some one who is scared or doesn't like people who talk about or download porn, these people often say that it is sick and unhealthy, and that normal people like us are addicted.
chris is a Porn-a-phobic, he hates it when i talk about porn ,and how much i download
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Having strong, forcefull sex with a member of the opposite sex whom you absolute despise.
Man she's so hot but she is such a bitch, I'd want to have hate-sex with her.
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FPS stands for feet per second. generally used to define power and performance in airsoft, bb, and paintball guns. occasionally also used to refer to the speed of a bullet or other projectile.
damn Chris's M-16 AEG shoots at 410 fps but my little shit n00b airsoft spring pistol only shoots at 230 fps. he WASTED me in our last airsoft war.
40π 42π
1. Riva (Noun)
Origin: Byond
Alias: Gaara of the Desert or Kane
a: A being conceived as the perfect, omnipotent, omniscient originator and ruler of the universe, the principal object of faith and worship in monotheistic religions.
b: The force, effect, or a manifestation or aspect of this being.
2. A being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people, especially a male deity thought to control some part of nature or reality.
3. An image of a supernatural being; an idol.
4. One that is worshiped, idealized, or followed: Money was their god.
5. A very handsome man.
6. A powerful ruler or despot.
1. DL: But your him. Your Riva. I fear for my life.
2. Sally: Paul has been acting like such a Riva in bed.
3. AOWS: I PRAISE YOU Riva for you spared and freed me from my fear today. I exalt you on high because you are loving and Just all at the same time. I praise you because of your very nature. I praise you Riva because I don't need a reason to praise you. I do it, because you are more than worthy of my praise. Thank you giving me the right to praise your name.
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possibly the greatest movie of all time
that Only cool people like
the world has changed because you are made of ivory and gold , the curves of your lips rewrite history
artistic beautiful movie with a great soundtrack
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When a bodypart has been altered to make it bigger. The effect is generally ugly and fake looking.
R: Did you hear that Pam Anderson got ANOTHER boob job?
H: EWWW!! Are they booblified?
R: Totally!!
An RTS/RPG by Blizzard entertainment.
Popular, but painfully linear.
Essentially StarCraft with updated graphics and differant units.
Not as interesting as Command and Conquer.
Not as epic as Homeworld.
Not as many units as Total Annihilation.
WarCraft is alright.
But simply cannot compare to C&C or Homeworld.
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